
Award Winning
Brand Strategy

Defining the company mission and values through logos, taglines, messaging, and other visuals

2023 Lantern Award winner, Logo Design

Ads &
Social Media Strategy

Reaching the right audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, Reddit, TikTok and more.

Go to Market

Planning your launch with a compelling message and turning viewers into buyers.

Content Marketing & SEO

Creating relevant content to engage your audience, and making sure search engines can discover you to bring you maximum organic traffic

My Work

Brand Strategy

When a Texas-based midstream oil and gas company needed to reposition themselves as premiere suppliers of equipment to sustainable energy transformation, a new logo, color, brand guide, and overall message change was needed.

Additionally, a new web address was needed to reflect the expanded global scope and green energy support.

Winner, 2023 Lantern Award of Excellence – Corporate Logo Design
Houston Business Marketing Alliance

Role: Creative Strategy, SEO Strategy, Writing Guidelines

Brand Videos

From strategy to execution, I will make your video come to life. I provide the creative direction and project management, working with video production teams, designers, and writers while communicating with key stakeholders through all aspects of the project.

Recruiting – Company Culture
B2B – Carbon Capture Initiative
B2B – SaaS Lead Generation

Social Media Ads

Knowing who you want to reach, and where to reach them is important but so is having an experienced ad strategist actively managing your ads. That’s where I come in.

I handle it all starting with finding the right creatives, writing copy that converts, A/B testing, and tracking to measure ROI and finally sending dashboards and reports to monitor status and key results.

Content Marketing & SEO

Published on Forbes.com

(ghostwritten for CEO)

As a trusted copywriter for a financial services firm, writing highly-regulated content while maintaining SEO best practices for keyword ranking, I was the go-to content creator for blog posts as well as infographics and webpages.

When the CEO had an opportunity to publish an article on Forbes.com, he turned to me to complete the work and I worked with the Forbes.com editors and adhered to their strict journalistic guidelines to get the piece accepted and published. This resulted in brand awareness for the company, authority building for the CEO, and a valuable inbound link to the company website.

Role: Keyword Selection, Content Calendar, Copywriting

Promotional Landing Page

see full version

SEO Blog Post

see archive here

FAQs and Website Content

read raw copy here